Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. Up to where did Chandragupta Maurya’s empire
extend in the north west?
(A) Ravi river
(B) Indus river
(C) Satluj river
(D) Hindukush range✓
Q-2. Which of the following could be the most
accurate description of the Mauryan monarchy
under Ashoka?
(A) Enlightened despotism✓
(B) Centralised autocracy
(C) Oriental despotism
(D) Guided democracy
Q-3. The Greek ambassador sent to Chandragupta
Maurya’s Court was :
(A) Kautilya
(B) Seleucus Nicator
(C) Megasthenes✓
(D) Justin
Q-4. Arthashastra was written by :
(A) Ohanananda
(B) Kautilya✓
(C) Bimbisara
(D) Pushyamitra
Q-5. Who among the following foreigners was the first
to visit India?
(A) Hiuen Tsang
(B) Magasthenese✓
(C) I-Tsing
(D) Fahien
I read your post, its amazing. Keep it up
ReplyDeleteCheck my post too about Mauryan Art