Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. When a resolution for his removal is under consideration, the Speaker:
I. does not take part in the proceedings of the House.
II. has no right to vote.
III. has a right to speak in the House even though he shall not preside.
A) I only
B) I and II
C) II only
D) III only✓
Q-2. Rajya Sabha is less powerful than Lok Sabha in terms of its financial powers because:
A) it does not participate in the passing of money bill
B) No Money Bill can be introduced in Rajya Sabha
C) Both of the above✓
D) None of the above
Q-3. Whose function is it to see that no money is spent out of the Consolidated Fund of a
State without the authority of the legislature?
A) Public Accounts Committee
B) Comptroller and Auditor-General of India✓
C) Finance Commission
D) None of the above
Q-4. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A) In Lok Sabha, a no-confidence motion has to set out the grounds on which it is based✓
B) In the case of a no-confidence motion in Lok Sabha no conditions of admissibility have
been laid down in the Rules
C) A motion of no-confidence, once admitted, has to be taken up within ten days of the leave
being granted
D) Rajya Sabha is not empowered to entertain a motion of no-confidence
Q-5. If a Money bill passed by the Lok Sabha is not returned by the Rajya Sabha within
fourteen days, then:
A) Lok Sabha will reconsider it
B) Money Bill will be rejected
C) President will summon a joint meeting of both the Houses to discuss it
D) The Bill will be sent to the President for his signature and consent✓
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