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Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari

Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari

Q-1. The legislative powers of the President include all the following but:
A) the power-to summon or prorogue the Houses of Parliament
B) the power to summon a joint sitting of the Houses to resolve a deadlock
C) the power of nominating 12 members to the Lok Sabha✓
D) the right to address either House at any time and it requires the attendance of members for
this purpose

Q-2. Which of the following Chief Justices of India has acted as President of India?
A) M. Hidayatullah✓
B) P.B. Gajendra Gadkar
C) P.N. Bhagwati
D) All of the above
Ans: (a)
Q-3. Which of the following statements regarding the pardoning powers of the President
is/are not correct?
1. He has the pardoning power in respect of sentence by court martial.
2. He can grant reprieve and respite in case of punishment for an offence against any law of
the land, Union or State.
3. He alone can pardon a sentence of death.
4. His exercise of the power of pardon is open to judicial review.
A) I and III
B) II and III✓
C) I and IV
D) II and IV

Q-4. Mark the correct response:
A) It is the duty of the Prime Minister to communicate all decisions of the Council of
Ministers to the President, whenever he requires✓
B) The Prime Minister need not communicate all decisions to the President
C) It is not obligatory on the part of Prime Minister to communicate the decision to the
D) The President cannot compel the Prime Minister to give the information he has

Q-5. Mark the correct response:
A) The President has power to remove the Prime Minister but not any of his ministers unless
so advised by the Prime Minister
B) The President has power neither to remove the Prime Minister nor any of his ministers
unless the Prime Minister loses the support of majority in Lok Sabha and tenders his
(C) The President can remove Prime Minister the moment he loses his majority in the Lok
D) The President has a power to remove any of the ministers at his pleasure


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