Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. The 'Three Jewels' (Triratnas) of Jainism are
A) right faith or intentions, right knowledge and right conduct✓
B) right action, right livelihood and right effort
C) right thoughts, non-violence and non-attachment
D) right speech, right thinking and right behaviour
Q-2. Of the five vows (Panch Anuvratas) of Jainism, four existed before Mahavira. The one
which he added was
A) not to kill (non-injury)
B) not to steal
C) non-attachment to worldly things
D) celibacy✓
Q-3. In Jainism the aim of life is to attain Nirvana or Moksha for which one has to
A) follow three jewels and five vows✓
B) practice, non-violence and non-injury to all living beings
C) renounce the world and attain right knowledge
D) believe in the Jains and absolute non-violence
Q-4. Jainism was divided into two sects. Swetambaras (White-clad) and Digambaras (Sky-clad or naked) - During the reign of the
A) Nandas
B) Mauryas✓
C) Kusanas
D) Shungas
Q-5. The name Buddha means
A) enlightened✓
B) learned
C) divine
D) sacred
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