Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. The Vedic economy was based on
A) trade and commerce
B) crafts and industries
C) agriculture and cattle rearing✓
D) all the above
Q-2. The normal form of government during the Vedic period was
A) democracy
B) republics
C) oligarchy
D) monarchy✓
Q-3. Two popular Assemblies of the Vedic period were
A) Sabha and Mahasabha
B) Mahasabha and Ganasabha
C) Sabha and Samiti✓
D) Ur and Kula
Q-4. The Indo-Greek Kingdom set up in north Afghanistan in the beginning of the second century BC was
A) Scythia✓
B) Zedrasia
C) Bactria
D) Aria
Q-5. The beat specimens of Mauryan art are represented by their
A) Stupas
B) Pillars✓
C) Chaityas
D) Caves
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