Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. The soil formed by the deposition of silt brought by rivers is :
A) alluvial soil✓
B) red soil
C) black soil
D) pod soil
Q-2. The Red soils develop a reddish colour due to:
A) deforestation and over-grazing
B) the presence of potash and magnesia
C) tropical monsoonal climate
D) a wide diffusion of iron in ancient crystalline and metamorphic Jacks✓
Q-3. Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate?
A) Alluvial
B) Black
C) Red
D) Sandy✓
Q-4. The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as:
A) loamy soil✓
B) sandy soil
C) clayey soil
D) desert soil
5. Which of the following soils is best suited for cotton?
A) Regur✓
B) Alluvial
C) Red
D) Clayey
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