Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. According to article 23, the following are prohibited
A) Traffic in human beings,beggary, slavery and bonded labour✓
B) Monopoly of trade
C) Sale of incenses
D) Visit to terrorist infected area
Q-2. Article 20-22 relate to the fundamental right to life and personal liberty.These rights are available to
A) Citizen and non-citizen✓
B) Natural persons as well as artificial persons
C) Citizen only
D) All persons who have juristic personality
Q-3. Which one of following has been dropped from the list of personal freedoms enshrined in article 19 of the Constitution?
A) Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms
B) Freedom to acquire,hold and dispose of property✓
C) Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the country
D) Freedom to carry on any profession,trade or business
Q-4. Once the proclamation of emergency is made, the right of a citizen to move to Supreme court for the enforcement of his fundamental right is suspended by the
A) Prime Minister of India
B) President of India✓
C) Speaker of Lok Sabha
D) Chief Justice of Supreme court
Q-5. Under article 368, Parliament has no power to repeal fundamental rights because they are
A) Enshrined in Part III of the Constitution
B) Human rights
C) Transcendental rights
D) Part of basic structure of essential framework of the Constitution✓
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