Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. Who among the following is known for his work on medicine during the Gupta period?
A) Saumilla
B) Sudraka
C) Shaunaka
D) Susrutha✓
Q2-. In the context of ancient Indian society, which one of the following terms does not
belong to the category of the other three?
A) Kula
B) Vamsa
C) Kosa✓
D) Gotra
Q-3. Who wrote Mrichchhakatika (Clay Cart)?
A) Akbar
B) Kalidas
C) Sudraka✓
D) Dandin
Q-4. After the partition of India, the largest number of Harappan towns and settlements
have been found In
A) Punjab
B) Haryana
C) Gujarat✓
D) Uttar Pradesh
Q-5. The Indus Valley civilisation can be said to belong to the
A) Paleolithic age
B) Primitive age
C) Neolithic age
D) Bronze age✓
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