Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. What do you understand by the word regur ?
A) Black soil found in the Deccan✓
B) Grey-brown soil found in Russia
C) Red, colour sticky soil, found in the Amazon area
D) Black soil found in northern Argentina
Q-2. Which of the following soils is most suitable for cultivation of cereals?
A) Alluvial soils✓
B) Red soils
C) Laterite soils
D) None of these
Q-3. Which of the following types of soils have a marked capacity to retain water?
A) Desert soil
B) Laterite soil
C) Red soil
D) Regur soil✓
Q-4. Under which climatic conditions do the laterite soils develop ?
A) Wet tropical Climate✓
B) Hot and dry Climate
C) Cold temperature Climate
D) Mediterranean type of Climate
Q-5. Deforestation results in :
1. flora destruction
2. fauna destruction
3. ecological disbalance
A) 2 and 3
B) 1, 2 and 3✓
C) 1 only
D) 1 and 3
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