Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. Which of the following Vedas deals with magic spells and witchcraft?
A) Rigveda
B) Samaveda
C) Yajurveda
D) Atharvaveda✓
Q-2. The later Vedic Age means the age of the compilation of
A) Samhitas
B) Brahmanas
C) Aranyakas
D) All the above✓
Q-3. The Vedic religion along with its Later (Vedic) development is actually know as
A) Hinduism
B) Brahmanism✓
C) Bhagavatism
D) Vedic dharma
Q-4. The Vedic Aryans first settled in the region of
A) Central India
B) Gangetic Doab
C) Saptasindhu✓
D) Kashmir and Punjab
Q-5. Which of the following contains the famous Gayatri Mantra?
A) Rigveda✓
B) Samaveda
C) Kathopanishad
D) Aitareya Brahmana
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