Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. Fundamental duties have been added in the Constitution by 42nd Amendment Act,1976 in accordance with the recommendation of
A) Santhanam committee
B) Sarkariya committee
C) Swaran Singh committee✓
D) Indira Gandhi committee
Q-2. Respect for the national flag and national anthem is
A) Fundamental Right of every citizen
B) Fundamental duty of every citizen✓
C) Directive principles of state policy
D) Ordinary duty of every citizen
Q-3. The fundamental duties were included in the Constitution with the idea of
A) Giving more importance to the fundamental rights
B) Curbing subversive and unconstitutional activities✓
C) Preventing abuse of fundamental rights
D) Giving more power to executive
Q-4. The Constitution describes India as a
A) Federation of states
B) Union of states✓
C) Confederation of states
D) Unitary States
Q-5. Which one of the following subjects is under the Union list in the seventh schedule of the Constitution of India?
A) Regulation of labour and safety in mines✓
B) Agriculture
C) Fisheries
D) Public Health
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