Daily Quiz For UPSC Ki Taiyari
Q-1. In the election of the President, the value of the vote of the Lok Sabha members
A) is same
B) differs according to the geographical size of the respective State
C) differs according to the number of votes a member represents✓
D) None of the above
Q-2. The President of India is:
A) Commander-in-Chief of Defence Forces
B) Supreme Commander of Armed Forces
C) Head of the Government
D) Supreme Commander of Defence Forces of the Union and Executive Head of the Union✓
Q-3. The President can be removed by the way of impeachment which can be made only:
A) by the Supreme Court
B) by the Rajya Sabha
C) by the Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha through impeachment✓
D) cannot be impeached
Q-4. Which of the following statements is correct ?
A) The President may continue to be a member of Parliament even after assuming charge of
the Presidential office
B) The President is not barred from holding any other office of profit even after assuming
charge of Presidential office
C) The President is entitled to use his official residence only on payment of rent fixed✓
D) The emolument and allowances of the President shall not be diminished during his term
of office
Q-5. In the election of the President, each Member of the electoral college has:
A) one vote
B) as many votes as there are candidates
C) one vote with value attached to it
D) one vote with value attached to it and he can give as many preferences as there are
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