Black Fungus : Black Fungus is currently in news because it has been seen in many Covid-19 patients. Recently the Union health ministry asked the states to declare Black Fungus as an epidemic disease under Epidemic Diseases Act 1897. In This blog we will discuss about it. • It is very rare but a serious infection caused by a kind of fungus. • Black Fungus can be seen on skin. • It affects lungs and brain and it can seriously damage eyes or upper jaw. Causes : This infection is caused by a group of fungus which are abundant in environment. • These fungus are called Mucormycetes . People who can be infected by black fungus: People with • lower immunity and or • affected by dibeties and or • with affected lungs and or • affected by sinuses and or • affected by cancer and or • transplanted organ or recovering Covid-19 patients (who have been treated with steroids and anti inflammatory medicines) can be infected by black fungus. Symptoms : •... is a platform for preparation of UPSC, UPPSC,BPSC,UKPSC,RAS,MPPSC,SSC, Railway,NET,TGT-PGT,CTET, UPTET and other govt. exams.